Fonts chinese style
Fonts chinese style

The three most common Chinese type styles are, in chronological order, regular script (楷書體), Ming (明體), and sans-serif (黑體). These terms are being blurred lately, so elsewhere you’ll probably see them all called fonts.

fonts chinese style

Adobe Garamond Bold and Adobe Garamond Bold Italic are two different fonts, but the same typeface. Adobe Garamond and Monotype Garamond are two different typefaces.

fonts chinese style

I’ve written a paper or two, and so I’ll summarize my preferences regarding Chinese typefaces.īTW, in this blog entry “ typeface” refers to a set of glyphs in many variations in weight, width, Italics or Roman, etc. Learn Chinese at advanced levels and you’ll eventually have to write a paper, or design something, with Chinese text.

Fonts chinese style